General Sponsor

Media partner

  • When?
  • 14 May 2013
  • Where?
  • Sofia

Forex Forum Investor.BG is the very first specialized FX conference in Bulgaria and the region with the ambitious goal of establishing a tradition and becoming an annual meeting for FX companies, investors and traders.


Forex Forum Investor.BG is a unique event for the investment community in Bulgaria, which will bring together Bulgarian and foreign professionals in the realm of forex trading and investments. They will present, discuss and analyse current topics and trends affecting the market and the FX industry in the region.


Who is to attend Forex Forum Investor.BG?

Forex Forum Investor.BG is designed to meet the needs of present and future investors, traders, brokers, consultants, banks and other professionals with an interest in FOREX.


Forex Forum Investor.BG aims to:


• Rise the knowledge and interest in FX market among present and potential traders;

• Create informational environment for exchange of experience and ideas;

• Set up a forum for establishing personal and professional contacts.


The format of the conference is entirely determined by the specific elements of FOREX trading and the above mentioned goals. There are two separate parts in the programme – theoretical and practical.


In the theoretical part well-known experts-speakers will present topics related to trends, technologies, strategies and psychology.


In the practical seminar part severalsubject panels will be held in order to further expandthe knowledge and skills of the participants in the chosen topic.


Every participant is free to choose the panel he wants to attend! 


• Forex Forum Investor.BG will present you innovative strategies and approaches!

 Forex Forum Investor.BG will give you the opportunity to meet leading foreign experts!

• During Forex Forum Investor.BG you will have the opportunity to acquaint yourselves with different FX trade platforms, presented through promotional stands (see “Platforms”)


Be first! Be successful!

Be part of the very first forum for FX trading – Forex Forum Investor.BG!